[Some gigs missing]
Mon 11 Dec: Manchester (Fallowfield) - Bar XS:, w. Harijan & The Fractions
Thu 23 Nov: Birkenhead - Hotel California, w. False Image, Rock Clinic, The Leary's & John Doe & the Fuck Ups
Tues 31 Oct: Manchester - The Castle, w.GFA, The Dangerous Aces and The Smack Rats; interesting incidents during The Smack Rats' set
Sun 29 Oct: Bolton - The Alma, w. Los Retardos
Sat 28 Oct: Wigan - King's Electric (upstairs), w. Los Retardos; a Scutter promotions event, all ages; it was packed, but we got paid just £10!
Fri 27 Oct: Wakefield - The Jockey, w. Los Retardos and others
Thu 26 Oct: Warrington - Casis, w. Los Retardos and others
Weds 25 Oct: St Helens - The Sportsmans: with Los Retardos; the Who Dares Penguins launch gig, with Tommy back on drums
[Drummerless summer]
Fri 9 Jun: Wakefield - The Jockey, w. Jon Crocker and An Invitation to An Accident; the only gig with Col on drums
Wed 17 May: Preston - The General Havelock, w. Dying for Toto; Luke’s last gig
Fri 12 May: Berlin (DE) - Wild at Heart, w. Die! Die! Die! (New Zealand) and Los Retardos (Denmark)
Weds 10 May: Liverpool, Zanzibar: with Duty Paid & two more bands (The Dead Class and Geoffrey Oi!Cott?); Easton's last gig
Sat 6 May: Leeds - The Primrose, w. Indafusion & Hot Dead Fox
Thu 4 May: Nottingham - Junction 7,w. Longdrop & two more bands; Luke’s first filling in on drums
Fri 28 April: Manchester - The Beer House, w. The Emos, Roadkill & NEVA; the pub is now 'The Angel'
Fri 7 April: Winnington -Rec Club, w. other bands; a Banned! Network gig
Thu 6 April: Warrington - Casis
Sun 2 April: Liverpool - The Drezla Lounge, w. Numskull, The Inadequates, Thumper, Duty Paid, The Sellout Flaw, Ornament, A2M and Krrripalz wiv Kancer
Sat 4 March: Rhyl - The Dudley, w. Kreosote, I Stand Alone and The Kirkz
Wed 22 Feb: Wigan - Chicago Rock Café, w. Hector and others; we met Luke Elwick, who was drumming in a metal band; he went on to fill in on drums with us for a bit
Mon 30 Jan: Manchester - Night & Day Café, w. Hurricane State and The Body Doubles
Sat 28 Jan: Winsford - The Raven Inn